Kind & Powerful Words
2003 - Present
Some of the 300+ handwritten notes received from grateful clients around the globe!

I had the good fortune of meeting Jen Mac at a vulnerable time in my life; recently separated, mother of 2 toddlers and at a cross roads in my career. Jen taught me how to find my voice and realize my self-worth as a woman. Through her teachings I was able to make clear headed decisions, ask for what I deserved and ultimately land in a healthy thriving marriage and career. She set me on a right path to lead a life that prioritizes me over anything else. Although that may sound egocentric, it’s not. Taking care of my needs before others has made me a better mom, wife, friend, leader and co-worker. I’ll be forever grateful to Jen Mac’s coaching devoted to my well-being and growth as a woman.

― Linda Gesell
President of Operations, Atrium

Working with Jen Mac has been life changing. Jen is real, honest, caring and supportive and treats each person as an individual and each situation as unique. Jen opens up about her own life experiences and makes you feel comfortable the moment you start working with her.
When I began working with Jen I was going through a really hard time. A four year relationship that I was in had just come to an end and I was really struggling. I often thought and believed that I would be alone forever. I started with Jen’s ‘Power of Right Now’ class and it inspired me so much that I ended up taking every single class and working with Jen privately. After a lot of hard work Jen helped me to shift my thinking and refocus my thoughts and I was able to make a lot of significant changes in my life…I am now in a wonderful marriage to an amazing man and I am so thankful that Jen entered my life. Jen- thank you for all that you do every day to help so many women. You are a true inspiration.
― Marissa

It is without exaggeration when I say that taking Jen’s classes reset the trajectory of my life. When I took her first class, ‘Power of Right Now’, I had just ended a long-standing relationship to a man who was not all that different from the string of ill-suited men that I had been dating. It was a theme in my life that was all too common and I had finally grown exhausted by it. The problem was, however, I had no idea how to change this pattern– until I took Jen’s classes. By the time I ended her second class, ‘You Inc.’, I had started dating this wonderful man and was engaged to him a year later. I not only met this man, but I learned how to allow this level of love into my life. I now have the most amazing, happy and healthy marriage that strengthens daily. I truly believe that making this happen would have been a lot more difficult, perhaps even impossible, without Jen’s wisdom and the classes she offers. I am truly grateful.
― Bridgette R.

When I first signed up for Jen’s ‘Power of Right Now’, I didn’t know what to expect. I simply knew I needed something to help me “feel my life” again…Jen’s infectious enthusiasm, her accomplishments in her own life, and no-nonsense guidance completely won me over. I thought, ‘Here’s an empowered woman and want me some of that!’
Because of Jen’s lessons, my approach to dating completely changed. I actually became present to each date and found myself having fun! When I finally told her about my former boyfriend, she said something that stopped me cold: “It’s not – does he want you, Barbara, it’s do you want him?” It was the first time in a very long time that I felt I had any power when it came to relationships. It certainly made me scrutinize this relationship to see if it, and he, was worthy of me. Did I want him? Brilliant!
When I decided long and hard that I did, Jen was on hand to help me sort through my feelings and keep me on the empowered path. I definitely believe Jen was instrumental in helping me create a strong, loving relationship with my ex-boyfriend, now husband since 2004.
Jen’s teachings continue to impact my life today. I no longer take antidepressants (haven’t been on them for more than 8 years). I am completely in love with my husband, and he with me. He wants to make me happy and does. We own our dream home, a 1928 cottage with a water view just outside Manhattan. I am staying home with our beautiful daughter and have a steady freelance career. I also completed a final draft of a television pilot that is being produced. I’m looking forward to pitching it this fall!
Not to say my life isn’t without its challenges. It is. Yet, I have created a very strong support system and am able to turn to the tools and techniques that help keep me on my empowered path. Thanks to Jen, I ‘feel my life’ fully, every day, and for that, I am forever grateful.
― Barbara H.
47, wife, mom and writer

My life has not been the same since I met Jennifer. To say that it has changed would be an understatement. To say that it’s changed positively is the only place for me to start…
I had read it in books, seen Wayne Dwyer say it and heard it in yoga-that learning comes through the things that challenge you as a person. Jen helped me to see that I could live this and was living it… Jen helped me to see myself and ultimately, value myself . I wanted to get married but never even let myself feel or imagine being married…Jen gave me tools to implement into my life daily so that whether it’s work, my marriage, or even a bad phone call with a loved one—I can turn it around and learn something about myself that can aid my life in a positive way. Challenges feel like fun ways to find something out about myself. At least that’s how I see it most days.
Jen has been my coach, my mentor, my guide and something I really never expected: a friend. I know that Jen has my back and is here to support me. And, I feel the same about her as she has shared so much of herself with me. I work in many circles of healing. Jen is a healer in high heels. I love her for what she has given me and for the community of women that she has created that support me. And, oh yea, I am married to an amazing man (who would do anything to make me happy), have a job that I literally mapped out with her point by point (and just happened to ‘land’ in my lap from a friend’s referral a month later) and I’ve saved enough for a down payment on a house. I have become the force of direction in my life and my marriage. And, I feel a sense of peace that I never felt before. I have days where I still feel helpless but I always know that I’m going to be ok…Life is a journey for sure and I’m glad that Jen was one of the people that has helped and is helping me on my way.
― Suzanne L.
Age 42, Sales Director

The relationship course this weekend was truly ground breaking for me. It was perfect timing for me to take this course at this very moment, after the ‘Power’ class and in midst of the ‘You, Inc.’ Thank you Jen, for making this an experience of true personal growth for me! I am inspired and at the same time reassured in my being ME…I am energized today, just knowing that I indeed do have the power I have believed to be lacking as of late Your illustrations provided for much needed insight…I command you for your stamina of holding a two consecutive day session and for managing the energies in the room seemingly effortlessly! So, I am simply saying: Thank YOU, Jen!
― Andrea G.
Banker/Financial Advisor, Private Wealth Management

Thank you for one of my best experiences ever!!!! I loved loved loved the class. You are such an inspiration and I appreciate all of your guidance and wisdom. I think everyone should take ‘The Relationship Course!’
― M. L.
33, Finance

When I started working with Jen Mac in 2004, I was willing to do the hard work and I wanted RESULTS. Working with Jen Mac allowed me to experience breakthroughs on a deeper level, more than I thought possible. Jen Mac’s straightforward teaching style, class exercises and priceless daily tools provided a clear roadmap, and I finally understood that everything began with ME, and the pieces started to fall into place. For the first time in my life I took full responsibility for what I was creating, and realized that I actually design my own life. What? Mind = blown. This empowering revelation allowed me to dive deeper into myself, my patterns, and get clarity around what I really wanted in my life.
For years I had wanted to create a healthy relationship but always picked unavailable men. Through Jen Mac’s courses (shout out to the Relationship Course! Pure gold!), I learned how to heal the relationship with myself (seriously this was so needed!) and alter the course of my life. Jen Mac taught me that consistently doing the hard work and staying committed to my goals is the key to getting results.
My outcome of working with Jen Mac? I am married to an awesome guy, and I thank Jen every day for being there to provide me with the skills and tools to create my life. Jen Mac’s courses get results, plain and simple. I am living proof, and will never stop singing her praises.
― Stephanie