Community Policies and Privileges
- I understand that participation in Jen Mac’s Something Different For Women classes, programs and/or tele-programs requires a deep personal desire, openness and receptivity in order to gain the full benefits of what is offered and therefore, no gifting or transfers of classes, programs or tele-programs are allowed. (If you are interested in understanding more, please read about it further on our FAQ page).
- I understand that every class is set up to benefit me as much as possible on every level and therefore, may include any or all of the following; solo weekly or monthly homework assignments, partnered assignments, partner check-ins via text, email or phone, small group sharing, interactive class exercises and Q&A time. I also understand that this is both an interactive and supportive community where my own personal success is enhanced by my participation and by allowing myself the available support within it! Therefore, some programs also offer the added support of a private Facebook group for additional connection and support in between classes (if so desired) for the duration of each program. In addition to the time I spend attending the actual class(es) or tele-classes, there is also a much encouraged (though again, not required) additional time commitment of 1-5 hours per week to implement class assignments. This is suggested so that I can not only learn how to make positive life changes but also live them! While I understand that nothing is mandatory, I also understand that what I put into the class/program/tele-program is what I will get out of it and therefore, I am encouraged to participate in all or as much as possible for me, so that I may garner the results I desire.
- I understand that for all classes, programs and tele-programs, payments are only made in full, via e-check, debit or credit card via PayPal, in advance; prior to the start date of every class, program or tele-program and that all payments are non-refundable.
- I understand that if I am signed up for a class, program or tele-program and have to miss a class for any reason, I have the opportunity to make it up by watching the recorded live stream (if it’s a live class) within 30 days of the actual class or by listening to the recorded call (if it’s a tele-class) within 30 days of the actual call. I understand that this is my sole option for making up a class and that if I need to utilize it, it is my responsibility to implement the following protocol; email
before or by the class date so that I may gain access asap to the make up recording for the 30 day period it is available. I understand that if I choose not to follow the above protocol to make up any class I miss, that I then relinquish my right to make up the class at all. - I understand that in addition to any program or tele-program fee, there will be a need for me to additionally purchase a notebook of my choosing to utilize for whatever program or tele-program I am taking as well as one to two additional program materials (i.e. a book, dvd and/or scrapbook depending on what I’ve signed up for) that will be used as an addendum to the program or tele-program I am taking. These necessary program materials will be an additional, total cost of somewhere between $10.00 to $30.00 per program/tele-program if purchased within the United States. If purchased outside of the U.S. the cost could be more. It is my responsibility to look into this in advance, if it’s an issue for me.
- I understand that when I sign myself up for any class, program or tele-program (including live streams), and make the investment of my time, energy and finances, access to the class(es), program or tele-program is/are for me only and therefore, I agree not to share any of my materials with others who have not made the same investment for themselves. I understand that by doing this I am both respecting myself and all of us who have made the personal investment. I also understand that all handouts, class exercises and materials given to me are copyrighted and the intellectual property of Jen Mac’s Something Different For Women. Therefore, I may not use any of the material in other group settings or on the internet without first gaining written consent from Jen Mac’s Something Different For Women. I understand that if I don’t comply with the above and it is discovered, I will be excused from whatever class, program or tele-program I am a part of and possibly, from the community altogether.
- I have read and agree to follow all of the above Community Policies and Privileges and agree to the Terms of Use.